"Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful, that's what matters to me." - Steve JobsI also read an interesting article from Olivier Busquet: The Value of a Collage Education. Don't get me wrong, not a thoughtful quote and a well written article made me return to study. I was about to start my 2nd semester in my university when the unexpected happening happened.
I have a lot to catch up with... I'll do my best!
Poker: Even though I'll be very busy in the upcoming weeks or months, I don't want to stop playing poker or give up my PokerSpace Ambassador role at PokerSpace. I love helping people, give advice and talk about poker.
Click on the picture for better resolution |
In that picture you can see, I recently won a $33 coupon in a crazy rebuy tournament. It's a crazy tourney because people are doing insane things there. There are not donking, their range is just very wide from every position. :D
New tournaments coming up on Carbon Poker. It's really cool that they're working hard to provide better online poker experience. They have a sub-forum on 2+2: http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/201/carbon-poker/ please feel free to chime in :)
Today I'm playing a long session. I don't plan to do such things in the future (except SCOOP, WCOOP, etc.). I try to be healthy and I don't want to make a mistake to fuck up my sleep cycle. I'd appreciate it, if anyone could help me/has any tip how to eat healthier.
Thanks for reading, see you at the tables!
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