One month long break - it's over!

Only a few of you know that I was in hospital in September for 2 weeks. My life became a bit more complicated. I'm going to go back to the university soon. I feel very motivated. I'd like to do something useful in this world.

"Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful, that's what matters to me." - Steve Jobs
I also read an interesting article from Olivier Busquet: The Value of a Collage Education. Don't get me wrong, not a thoughtful quote and a well written article made me return to study. I was about to start my 2nd semester in my university when the unexpected happening happened.

I have a lot to catch up with... I'll do my best!

Poker: Even though I'll be very busy in the upcoming weeks or months, I don't want to stop playing poker or give up my PokerSpace Ambassador role at PokerSpace. I love helping people, give advice and talk about poker.

Click on the picture for better resolution

In that picture you can see, I recently won a $33 coupon in a crazy rebuy tournament. It's a crazy tourney because people are doing insane things there. There are not donking, their range is just very wide from every position. :D
New tournaments coming up on Carbon Poker. It's really cool that they're working hard to provide better online poker experience. They have a sub-forum on 2+2: please feel free to chime in :)

Today I'm playing a long session. I don't plan to do such things in the future (except SCOOP, WCOOP, etc.). I try to be healthy and I don't want to make a mistake to fuck up my sleep cycle. I'd appreciate it, if anyone could help me/has any tip how to eat healthier.

Thanks for reading, see you at the tables!

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