JrMontana08 is back online!

3 months ago my blog was marked as spam by a GoogleBot. I asked for help in the forums and now I'm back online. It was a mistake of the GoogleBot in question and hopefully it'll never happen again.

Many things happened in this summer that I couldn't share. In the last 3 months I focused on Heads Up SnGs. Honestly, I don't feel that I done well in those things. I got a few aha moments but I'm still confused in a few situations. Hopefully I'll be able to fix those leaks until 7th September 2011. I'm going to play in the WCOOP Event 7 -- $215 buy-in -- NLH HU tournament.

Let's talk about something else.. I got a new laptop! More creativity coming your way (if you're reading this blog and/or you're on PokerSpace) because now I'm a MacBook Pro owner. The Mac OS X was weird at first but I got used to it. It's a powerful machine, I'm quite satisfied with it.

I'm surprised that many sites don't have Mac friendly software. Example: Party Poker, iPoker Network... Yes, they have web based version of their client but PokerStars is way ahead of them with their software and their thinking is a lot more advanced as well.

iPhone owners! The official PokerStars Poker Clock is here. Click on the link and it will take you to Apple's website -> iTunes section -> PokerStars Clock (Global Edition)

The summer holiday was fun, I had a lot of time to relax. Good to be back online and see you reading this blog post.

It's 2 a.m. here, these thoughts came to my mind. Follow me on Twitter: @JrMontana08

Best of luck at the tables!

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