Is XBLINK the next Isildur1?

This story is incredible but is true. It's the story about a 20 year old who gors by the name XBLINK, deposits the minimum $20 into UB Poker and plays a $11 tournament. He wins that tournament for $750 and then moves to Omaha and starts playing low-limit ring games.
He plays low-limit Omaha ring games for a day, finishing that day with a bankroll of $4k. The next day he starts playing slightly higher stakes. He plays away for a few days moving from $1/$2 to $5/$10 and his bankroll also moved up from $4k to $16k. For the next 2 days he moved between 20k and 60k before again moving up stakes.
By the 5th day of play he had hit a bankroll of 6 figure's and was playing $25/$50 PLO. A week later and he has a bankroll over $800k and is playing $200/$400 PLO and playing No Limit Holdem at higher stakes as UB Poker don't support PLO higher than $200/$400.
So to sum up.
Day 1 = Wins $11 tournament for $750 and then starts playing low-limit PLO
Day 2 = Starts playing slightly higher stakes and runs $4k upto 16k.
Day 3 & 4 = Moves from playing $1/$2 PLO to $5/$10 PLO and also takes his Bankroll from about $16k to $60k
Day 5 = Breaks the $100k mark and starts playing $25/$50 PLO.
Day 6 and On = Moves from $25/$50 upto $200/$400 PLO and higher NLH stakes and takes his Bankroll to over $800k

So is XBLINK the next Isildur1? Maybe. He might even be better. So the next question everyone will be asking is, Who is XBLINK?
- PokerNewsBoy 3rd January 2010
(According to 89blist's 2+2 post, he cashed out $1,000,000 and will try to rebuild his bankroll)

The article is more than 1 year old but still haven't heard about it from the bigger poker news sites.

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