17th best poker player blogger in the World (of PokerStars)

WBCOOP Main Event was very good. I finished 17th out of 872 players and won a $215 SCOOP ticket. Here is my last hand:

PokerStars - | 4000/8000 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

UTG: 125,020.00
Hero (UTG+1): 114,280.00
MP: 464,435.00
MP+1: 122,200.00
CO: 87,936.00
BTN: 133,547.00
SB: 185,914.00
BB: 65,762.00

UTG posts ante 800.00, Hero posts ante 800.00, MP posts ante 800.00, MP+1 posts ante 800.00, CO posts ante 800.00, BTN posts ante 800.00, SB posts ante 800.00, BB posts ante 800.00, SB posts SB 4,000.00, BB posts BB 8,000.00

Pre Flop: (18400.00) Hero has Q Q

fold, Hero calls 8,000.00, fold, fold, CO raises to 87,136.00 and is all-in, fold, fold, fold, Hero calls 79,136.00

Flop: (192672.00, 2 players) 6 8 K

Turn: (192672.00, 2 players) T

River: (192672.00, 2 players) A

Hero shows Q Q (One Pair, Queens) (PreFlop 70%, Flop 86%, Turn 84%)
CO shows AQ (One Pair, Aces) (PreFlop 30%, Flop 14%, Turn 16%)
CO wins 192,672.00

The table was very aggressive. The big stack (MP) raised every hand and if he didn't raise, the CO moved all in.
If I raise, CO moves in, so the money gets in the middle in every scenario.

Click on the picture for better resolution

Sick jump from 10th to 9th place..

I'm going to write more in the near future. Yeah, I was a bit lazy. But look what we have here:

High Stakes Poker Season 7 premieres on 28th February:

1 comment:

THE GOAT on February 6, 2011 at 12:01 AM said...

Wtg, thats a nice result from a free investment!hope the ticket brings you even more success!I know what you mean,that si some jump up for the final table.There's always next year!


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